- Dermoplast was a big one. After a vaginal delivery, a lot of women require some stitches in the perineal area and dermoplast is a benzocaine spray that numbs that area while you are recovering. I’ve had a lot of patients specifically say that the dermoplast was a lifesaver!
- Postpartum Corsets, bands and wraps: A lot of my patients have found relief using these postpartum to help with back support and compression until the uterus goes down to its normal size. Bellefit was probably one of the more popular bands. Many of my patients who have had a cesarean section just use the one that they get from the hospital.
- Nursing gear: If you plan on breastfeeding, make sure you have all your nursing gear sorted out prior to delivery. Most insurances now cover the cost of pumps. All you have to do is ask your provider for a prescription to take it to your insurance-approved location and they will give you a pump. Research the pump that you are interested in and confirm that your insurance covers it. Make sure you have some comfortable nursing bras on hand. Nursing pads can be cloth or disposable. I have found that many prefer the cloth nursing pads because they are more absorbent. Nursing is one of those things that comes really easy to some and is really hard for some. Some people produce lots of milk and their baby latches on perfectly. For others it is not quite this easy. I think the most important thing you can do is be prepared ahead of time so you are not scrambling for these items while trying to figure out how to nurse a newborn.
- Do I need scar cream for my cesarean section to make it less noticeable? For most I would say no. However, there are some people that are more prone to keloid scars. If that is the case, I would discuss this with your provider and find out what skin closure technique they recommend to minimize scarring. Generally, this shouldn't be applied until after the skin edges have fully sealed. If you already have an noticeable scar, usually a revision of the scar can be done with a subsequent cesarean section to improve the cosmetic appearance.
- Constipation: If you are prone to constipation, then this can make the postpartum period absolutely miserable. Make sure you drink 64 oz of water, stool softeners twice a day, and if you cant get enough fiber in your diet, be sure to start taking a fiber supplement now.
Dr. Pam