For women, a short, vigorous workout in the gym (as little as 20 minutes), can lead to a vigorous workout in the bedroom, too. The hormonal boost from intense exercise can increase arousal by over 150%! Not only are women more aroused after exercise, but they also experience increased genital bloodflow, which, in turn, can improve the quality of the intercourse that they have. Just don’t wait too long to “workout” with your partner as these boosts are generally short-lived.
For men, exercise can increase testosterone by up to 15%. Weightlifting is particularly beneficial for increasing testosterone production, especially with heavier weights. In addition to improved sexual drive associated with testosterone production, testosterone can increase muscle mass and decrease adipose (fat) tissue. When fat loss is from the abdomen, penile bloodflow increases as can erection length (less covered by adipose). Men shouldn’t fully neglect cardio, though, as atherosclerosis and hypertension can result in erectile dysfunction if not prevented.
For both men and women, improved self-image from weight loss and increased muscle tone often results in desire to share their new, sexy look with their partner (how about lights on in 2020?). By being more comfortable with oneself, stress from being intimate is often lessened, thus allowing for more enjoyment of (and desire for) sex. Lastly, as fitness increases, insulin resistance decreases, and the suppression of sex hormones by high insulin levels also ends. With normal sexual hormone function, arousal and excitement happen more readily, and now that strength and stamina are increased from regular exercise, a person often has more energy to act on those urges.
So, here’s to a healthier 2020. Keep making those resolutions for a fitter you, but when your exercise routine gets a little stale or your life gets busy, a healthy heart or lower cholesterol isn’t your only reason to stay active. Remember that getting sweaty in the gym can lead to getting sweaty with your significant other, too!
Dr. Nick