First, there was vaginal steaming, which was touted on popular celebrity websites. So, what is vaginal steaming? It involves positioning your vagina for up to 45 minutes over a steaming pot of herbs such as rosemary or basil. I guess you could figure out how to do this yourself or pay $100 a session at a fancy spa offering such services. The idea is that the steam can relax your muscles and help rejuvenate your vagina. Spas that offer these services even claim that this increases fertility and helps promote weight loss. If steaming your vagina could cause weight loss, we would likely see a vagina steaming spa on every corner.
Next came the Jade Eggs. For a reasonable price, you can purchase a 1-inch egg shaped stone made of jade to put in your vagina. So why would one want to put stones in her vagina? Apparently, it allows you to have better sex, improves bladder control, prevents prolapse, intensifies feminine energy and even invigorates life force. What can’t these eggs do? Apparently, they’re good for just about anything but weight loss. Is there any scientific evidence backing the alleged benefits? Unfortunately, the answer is no. However, if you want Jade eggs for your vagina, you may have to wait. In the past, demand has been so high as to cause the eggs to be sold out online!
Another recent trend was wasp nests in your vagina. On Etsy, you can purchase oak galls, a medicinal paste of bark and wasp excreta (less gross-sounding, scientific way to describe any waste from the body) to put in your vagina. The product is touted for its ability to tighten and dry the vagina. What an awesome treatment goal-hooray for the dry vagina? That would just make intercourse more uncomfortable and increase your risk of infection and abrasions.
Now the latest fad is inserting garlic in the vagina to treat vaginal yeast infections. Yep, you heard that right- garlic in the vagina. This fad has become popular because garlic contains “allicin.” In a laboratory setting, it may be associated with some antifungal properties. The operative words here are “in the lab.” This has not been proven effective in animals, much less humans, and last time I checked, the vagina wasn’t a high school chemistry set. In addition, the idea of crushing garlic (sorry, it wouldn’t work unless you crush it first), and inserting it in your vagina-ewwww!!! If you just left cloves in there, would you wait until it sprouted to remove it? Another serious concern is that garlic grows in the soil. While there are bacteria in the soil and there are bacteria in the vagina, these bacteria are NOT the same. This sounds like a vaginal bacterial infection waiting to happen. It would be a lot easier to go to the pharmacy and pick up some Monistat!!
Why do people keep on coming up with all these strange expensive things to put in your vagina? Probably in order to make some money. The list keeps on getting longer and crazier. It’s especially frustrating because most of these items are touted under the guise or organic, natural, and holistic when they should really be described as dangerous and/or expensive, or at least without a proven scientific benefit. Before placing anything in your vagina, please talk to your provider because, chances are, your vagina is happy just the way it is 😊
Dr. Pam